Dutch/Italian DJ Federico l’Olandese Volante on his 50+ years at Radio Veronica, Radio Monte Carlo and several Italian networks


From pirate on Veronica to Radio Norba passing through Noel Coutisson’s RMC, 105, RTL 102.5 and many other stations. After the farewell to listeners that took place on December 29, 2024, FM-world decided to contact Federico L’Olandese Volante to talk about radio between past, present and future.

The interview/conversation took place on Tuesday January 7, 2025; the original audio is available by clicking HERE.

The Interview

FM-World (Marco Hugo Barsotti): You came to Italy quite young, around 22 years old, as Wikipedia reports. Actually, you arrived in Monaco. How was Monte Carlo in those times?

Federico l’Olandese Volante (F.OV.): Much earlier, because my father was Dutch consul in Milan in the ’50s, right after World War II. Then he retired very early from diplomatic service and when he was in Italy he fell in love with Lake Garda, where he bought land in Riva del Garda (Torbole, Ed. Note) and where he then built a hotel.

Lido blu in Torbole

Basically we arrived with the family in Italy in ’58, I was 8 years old at the time and I’m from ’50. My brothers also went to school in Italy, then for various reasons my father sold the hotel and we returned to Holland when I was 16 years old. There I finished high school and enrolled in architecture and started working in ’68 for Radio Veronica which was an offshore radio that broadcast from an old rusty fishing boat outside territorial waters. In medium waves we covered practically all of northern Europe because it’s all flat there, there are no mountains.

Radio Veronica with its 192 meters you could receive it in London, Amsterdam, Brussels, Paris, a audience of more or less 30 million people. It was very interesting also because national radios at the time had monopoly limits and didn’t do much advertising. But there was advertising potential… companies that were pushing products for young people like jeans, Coca-Cola and other things and that absolutely couldn’t find space. Therefore offshore radios were also a huge business especially for advertising. Being in international waters they could also advertise cigarettes which at the time were very popular. We also did it at RMC, I don’t know if you remember…

FM-world: Yes, I remember, “Muratti Ambassadorrrrr“…

F.O.V.: Yes, Herbert Pagani, the program was even called “Fumorama“.

205 meters

FM-World: Tell us about Coutisson, about how it was working at Radio Monte Carlo in those distant times.

F.OV.: Coutison is a half genius, even though he had a couple of big flaws, one was appreciating good French wine.

After 5 in the afternoon you couldn’t talk to him anymore because he was busy with his Pernod. But he invented a lot of games, radio situations, he invented the radio clock.

He came from France Inter and then was hired at Radio Monte Carlo to make this frequency profitable (205 meters, 1466 Kc). To exploit this right that the Principality had to broadcast in Italy.

The problem was advertising, so Coutisson solved it by going to Sipra, which was RAI’s official advertising agency, also taking the advertising concession for Radio Monte Carlo.

Sipra was very happy, it was a DC fiefdom at the time, so they said “Radio Monte Carlo cannot broadcast in Italy… imagine, we sell the advertising“. So he had solved all problems. And so we were the first Italian private radio, so to speak. When I left we had 8 million listeners.

Modernizing broadcasting… in 1978

Coutisson wanted someone to modernize the speaker park, since they were all too traditional, Italians who were inspired by Boncompagni and RAI. Or by Supersonic: too official a style.

I translated the Anglo-Saxon style, the DJ… the one who keeps talking contained – even within the limits of records – the one who does his own direction, sends jingles, makes a very lively broadcast.

And, in the following years, in private radios I heard many little “Federicos”, someone who was partly inspired by me.

Union technicians

FM-World: At RMC did you have a director or did you do it yourselves?

F.OV.: In Monte Carlo we had the director because in the Principality there is a very strong union, French, that requires all speakers to have a director.

Even when we went out for example to do interviews – I went several times to London to interview Pink Floyd – they required you to bring along the technician with the recorder. With the Nagra.

You couldn’t record by yourself, you needed the technician and it was precisely the union that imposed this thing.

And still today the union requires for example the publisher of Radio Monte Carlo, first Hazan then RadioMediaset, to keep an office open in the Principality. With some technicians – at least 3 or 4 French – even if they don’t broadcast.

I believe there are only one or two speakers who do something on the weekend, everything else is Milan, but you must have someone in the Principality, if not you can’t call it Radio Monte Carlo, this is the condition of the contract itself.


FM-World: According to Wikipedia again then you went to help Hazan precisely to structure 105. How was working with Hazan?

F.OV.: It wasn’t easy. We must say first of all that he came from a rich family, his father was Khashoggi’s partner (Adnan, not Jamal, Ed. Note), one of the world’s largest arms dealers who had his yacht (Nabila, the current “Trump Princess” Ed. Note) in the port of Monte Carlo where he had his office.
Note: FM-world could not verify from other sources this association between Alberto Hazan’s father and Khashoggi.


So Alberto invested… he already had Audiola, a company that produced car radios and to advertise his Audiola he set up a radio. Then he saw the business and so went looking for someone who could help him and took Cecchetto and me. We two practically set up the radio with criteria that at the time no one who did radio had.

Free radio in Italy was such an abstract thing where every guy who had some records at home brought them, blabbered on the microphone and put his records on, but there was no form, no organization.

Then slowly came radios like Milano International, like Deejay, like us, but actually we much before Deejay. He had also taken a couple of American radio experts who fixed all the schedule for him. This on the advice of his American wife. So 105 was born like this. I arrived in Milan in ’78, from Monte Carlo I was doing a show also on Radio2 and I started working with Hazan which was a happy collaboration that lasted 12 years.

Half Clock

FM-World: Did you have the clock?

F.OV.: No, not at the beginning, but then the Americans came who immediately put in the famous clock.

Before we had half clock at our disposal with tracks of our choice, but approved by programming and then the other half was imposed programming, that is, already written.

So I had my playlist sheet that was empty halfway and I could put five, six records and the other six were instead those that they had already put in, because the radio had to sound in a certain way. Still today if you listen to 105 you understand it’s her, she has her sound, her music.

Radio with a template

FM-World: If you follow FM-world’s Talkmedia group you’ll know that the criticism that many readers make is that radios, networks tend to be very similar. It seems something similar to what you said in a famous statement just before leaving R101…

F.OV.: I still share it and I left radio and programs also for that. Also because I don’t find myself much with that music now, not that I’m someone who is fanatic only about the past, but I want a bit more space.

Then after fifty years that you do a program, always from five to seven or from three to five, every time punctual, perfect, professional, at some point you also get fed up. I now decided to retire in Tunisia, where I bought a house by the sea, I get the pension and taxes are reasonable.

I have my studio, RTL called me for example, many radios called me, for example Radio Rock in Rome that want me to make podcasts about music history and other things. So let’s see about carrying forward the discourse… no more with live programs, but with podcasts where I bring out my know-how from the past, the interviews I did, the history of various bands.

FM-World: Today what do you listen to? Do you listen to BBC Radio One? Veronica?

F.OV.: Some international radios, with the app, you know… but not only: some Radio Deejay, Virgin, Radio Rock from Rome, some local radios. But not the “popular” radios.

FM-World: Nothing in Dutch, to say?

F.OV.: Yes, sometimes I also listened to Radio Veronica, which has now become a national radio no longer pirate, they gave licenses and they are still appreciated.

DJ, anyone?

FM-World: Going back to today’s radios… if we look at the courses offered by various radio schools, you find them for host, for sound technician – which moreover is a word that seems from the last century – and there isn’t a course for DJ. Johnny Walker of the BBC recently passed away, I listened to his entire podcast (available by clicking HERE), a kind of autobiography. He defined himself as aDJ, even at his advanced age.

F.OV.: The DJ in my opinion in Italy we have completely divided between radio speaker and disco DJ and the two categories don’t touch. Claudio Cecchetto at the time called his radio DJ (Deejay) because precisely his speakers were DJs, then everything changed, now they no longer consider themselves DJs, but rather radio speakers or radio animators or radio journalists.

But we in RMC times always had headphones on, we listened to the music.

At the time I had a medium wave return in headphones, with that fading that was really maddening, but yes, we listened to the music.

Starvation wages

But today, the profession of radio speaker is no longer like it used to be. And then today there are starvation wages.

I earned a lot of money in the 80s-90s, I was well paid. But now to young people, if they’re lucky, they give 2,500 euros per month, which cannot be enough to live in Milan or Rome. It’s not a job where you can say “I become rich”, while we at the time did evening events, we were record producers, we were speakers. I at RTL at the time earned really well (cf. podcast, Ed. Note). They paid you based on your quality, your professionalism.

FM-World: The last thing I wanted to ask you is this: you have lived in your country, then in Monte Carlo, then in Milan and finally in the South. How do you see us Italians, how do you see Italy?

F.OV.: There are several different Italias. I arrived here in the south in 2015, Puglia is very beautiful, you live well, I have lots of friends here, but at the beginning it was a provincial reality.

Then in these 10 years it has developed a lot, Puglia and the Radio. Norba with the Battiti story has made a sensation, it has replaced the old Festivalbar. They have made giant steps, there’s nothing to say. It’s no longer “a Southern radio”: it’s an Italian radio, just like those of the North.

Latest news

As we had suspected, when a DJ says they’re “hanging up the headphones”, it always turns out to be provisional: here’s here some nice news that arrived as a surprise today directly from RTL 102.5 and that will surely please everyone. (M.H.B. for FM-world)

Fcp-Assoradio: investimenti pubblicitari in sostanziale pareggio

L’Osservatorio Fcp-Assoradio ha reso noto gli investimenti pubblicitari in radio dell’ultimo mese. I dettagli nel comunicato.

Gli investimenti pubblicitari radiofonici relativi al periodo Gennaio-Novembre 2024, rilevati nell’ambito dell’Osservatorio Fcp-Assoradio coordinato dalla società Reply, hanno registrato il +4,2%, con il parziale del mese di novembre che si è attestato in sostanziale pareggio rispetto al 2023 (+ 0,1%).

“Nell’attuale contesto riflessivo che caratterizza il trend degli investimenti pubblicitari nazionali, la sostanziale tenuta da parte del media radiofonico rappresenta una conferma della centralità della radio nell’ambito del media planning, dichiara Monica Gallerini, Presidente Fcp-Assoradio. Attualmente siamo focalizzati in ottica 2025 per proporre agli associati ed alla nostra industry un percorso articolato su più direttrici, che possiamo sintetizzare nei seguenti punti: ricerca, formazione, comunicazione. Proseguiranno quindi nel prossimo anno le collaborazioni attualmente in essere con primari istituti di ricerca e centri universitari, per consolidare ulteriormente il processo di posizionamento del media radiofonico nelle sue diverse articolazioni”.

(Comunicato stampa)

* Per comunicati e segnalazioni: [email protected]

“Is Good For You” in nazionale via HbbTV

Nuova diffusione nazionale per Is Good For You.

Il progetto multimediale, nato da un’idea di Matteo Sandri e coordinato tecnicamente da Matteo Rossi, è ora un canale televisivo presente h24.

L’emittente trasmette in HbbTV sul canale 157 di Fascino Tv.

Per sintonizzarla, basta avere il televisore connesso ad internet e premere il tasto giallo.

* Per comunicati e segnalazioni: [email protected]

Geolier è l’artista più ascoltato dell’anno su Spotify in Italia

Geolier domina la “Spotify Wrapped”, la panoramica delle classifiche dell’anno della popolare piattaforma.

Nel 2024, l’artista partenopeo ha trionfato come il più ascoltato dell’anno, come album più ascoltato in Italia (con “Dio lo sa”) e come brano più ascoltato in Italia (con la sanremense “I p’me, tu p’te”).

L’artista donna più ascoltata dell’anno, invece, è stata Anna, grazie in particolare alla hit estiva “30°C”.

A livello internazionale, gli artisti italiani più ascoltati sono ancora i Måneskin, mentre se consideriamo esclusivamente la categoria femminile, a dominare è Laura Pausini.

Infine, l’artista al vertice a livello mondiale è Taylor Swift, seguita da The Weeknd e da Bad Bunny.

* Per comunicati e segnalazioni: [email protected]

Deejay Ten: annunciate le date del 2025

La Deejay Ten, la corsa non agonistica ideata da Linus, annuncia gli appuntamenti del 2025 ed è pronta per dare il via a una nuova coinvolgente edizione.

La manifestazione podistica itinerante, che da vent’anni continua a coinvolgere centinaia di migliaia di persone in giro per l’Italia – solo nel 2024 sono stati 70 mila i partecipanti – toccherà nel 2025 quattro città: si parte da Torino il 23 marzo per poi arrivare a Bari il 27 aprile, proseguire a Treviso il 18 maggio e approdare a Milano per il gran finale il 12 ottobre.

La Deejay Ten è un grande momento di condivisione per vivere le bellezze della città libera dal traffico quotidiano e trascorrere una domenica all’insegna dello sport e del divertimento in compagnia di Radio Deejay e gli speaker più amati dell’emittente. L’evento, a cui possono partecipare persone di tutte le età e capacità atletica, prevede due percorsi differenti da 10 e 5 km, il primo rivolto ai superiori di 16 anni e il secondo accessibile a chiunque.

Le iscrizioni per le quattro tappe sono aperte da oggi, mercoledì 4 dicembre, sul sito di Radio Deejay al link https://deejayten.deejay.it/.

Ogni iscritto riceverà una sacca con t-shirt ufficiale, pettorale, rilevamento cronometrico con chip, assicurazione RC, medaglia di partecipazione, sacca ristoro al traguardo.

(Comunicato stampa)

* Per comunicati e segnalazioni: [email protected]

Vatican Radio, a reference point for international broadcasting. History, facilities and broadcasts (exclusive interview)

Designed personally by Marconi, Radio Vaticana has been a key player in international broadcasting since the early 20th century, particularly in terms of technology. FM-world discussed this with Costantino Pacifici, who was Technical Director of the station for many years.

Laudetur Jesus Christus

As the centennial of the radio approaches, the director of this publication asked us to do a quick overview of amplitude modulation stations. We had the opportunity to interview Centrale Milano, AM Italia, and OMItaliane.

But we immediately had the idea to talk about the most prestigious of all European radio stations: the station of Radio Vaticana.

With the help of RAI, we managed to secure a direct contact that led to this exclusive interview, focusing on the peak “broadcast” years of Vatican Radio: when broadcasts from the Holy See were joined by those from Santa Maria di Galeria, and when stereo transmissions began on 96.3 MHz. Here’s the report of the interview with Dr. Costantino Pacifici, which took place in mid-October 2024.

The Interview

FM-world (M.H.B.): To start, can you tell us a bit about yourself and your work at Radio Vaticana?
Costantino Pacifici: My name is Costantino Pacifici, and I worked at the Technical Directorate of the Radio from 1975 to 2016, eventually becoming deputy director. Specifically, I managed the activities of the Santa Maria di Galeria center and the “historic” Marconi transmitting station in the Vatican.

Marconi Transmitting Station

FM-world: Let’s skip the early days, since it’s well-known that Marconi himself designed your station. I’d like to start later, around the war (mid-1940s). Santa Maria di Galeria wasn’t built yet. What type of service were you able to provide, and from which locations?

C.P.:  From 1931, the year Radio Vaticana was founded, until the Radio Center at Santa Maria di Galeria became operational, all transmission activities were conducted from the Marconi transmitting station located at the top of the Vatican Gardens. The equipment included the original Marconi transmitter with 10/15 kW power, a Telefunken transmitter with 25 kW power, a medium-wave transmitter of about 2 kW, and three shortwave transmitters for radiotelegraphic services.

The antenna array consisted of dipole antennas and an omnidirectional one, with variable length depending on the frequency.

The Great War

During the entire period of World War II, the station was heavily involved in providing information on the activities of Pope Pio XII for Catholic listeners, as well as transmitting messages (it is estimated that 1,260,000 were sent) for searching for missing persons by their families from all areas affected by the conflict and/or the zones of imprisonment, spread across nearly the entire world. I recall a comprehensive article in the Osservatore Romano that can be found in that newspaper’s archive.

Toward the World, in the World’s Languages

FM-World: On October 27, 1957, Pius XIII inaugurated Santa Maria di Galeria. Consulting the Radiocorriere of January 14, 1958, it seems there was only one program that alternated between broadcasts in various languages, and those in Italian were apparently very limited:

C.P: By its own mandate, R.V. primarily used its resources for broadcasts directed to Catholics worldwide, as much as possible in their language. In 1954, the Marconi transmitting station operated in 24 languages. Only later, particularly with the advent of FM, was it possible to guarantee a longer program in Italian.

FM-World: What facilities were active in the 1960s?

C.P.: Regarding the Vatican Transmitter, the original transmitter was replaced in the early 1950s by a 50 kW Marconi transmitter, and for medium-wave, an RCA transmitter of 5 kW was installed, along with three shortwave transmitters of 5 kW for fixed radiotelegraphic services (telex).

Log-Periodic Antennas

In the 1960s, the antenna array was supplemented by two rotating log-periodic antennas from Coel of Milan. The radiotelegraphic service, which was still operational on the routes to Bern, Lisbon, and Beirut, ended with the closure of the corresponding station in Lisbon in 1992.

Santa Maria di Galeria

Regarding the new Santa Maria center, it initially had a 100 kW Philips transmitter, donated to the Holy Father through a collection by Dutch Catholics, two 10 kW BBC transmitters, and a BBC medium-wave transmitter. The center also had a modern curtain antenna system specifically designed for effective worldwide coverage.

The medium-wave antenna consisted of a guyed mast, 98 meters tall (lambda/2). In the 1960s, four additional 100 kW shortwave transmitters were installed, along with a second medium-wave transmitter of 250 kW.

FM Stereo

FM-World: When did you begin broadcasting in FM?

C.P.: The FM service in the Vatican began during the Holy Year of 1950 with two 250 W transmitters. For a short period, there was also an experimental television setup operating on the French standard (819 lines, likely provided or donated by Henri de France, Editor’s note). It was only in 1965, after the 1961 Stockholm Planning Conference, that another 5 kW transmitter was installed, capable of stereo broadcasts, along with another 2.5 kW mono transmitter.

FM-World: An article in Stereoplay magazine from March 1974 (issue number 20) recounted how the purchase of the stereo transmitter for 96.3 MHz was considered “a mistake,” but it turned into an opportunity to create the famous Studio A. We also recall a famous day when your frequencies overlapped with existing Roman stations, including Radio Radicale and Rete 105. Can you tell us about that period?

C.P.: After the 1984 ITU Conference in Geneva, we operated on the frequencies 93.3 MHz, 96.3 MHz, 103.8 MHz, and 105 MHz with new transmitters and a new antenna system capable of broadcasting simultaneously on all four frequencies. Due to the interference situation that had developed in the Roman airwaves, the frequencies were previously shifted to 93.0, 96.5, and 107.8.


FM-World: The 1970s and 1980s were likely the peak of shortwave popularity. How many services did you have, and what were the listening areas?

C.P.: To give you an idea of the shortwave and medium-wave activity in the 70s/80s, I’ve attached some pages from the “Programmes” publication of June 1975 (Downloadable HERE) with the broadcast schedule and programs for the first week of that month.

The previous year, “Studio A” had started, and the following year, the program “Quattro voci” was added to programs like Radiogiornale from 1957 and Orizzonti cristiani from 1945.

Vatican Radio Today

FM-World: Today, the Radio doesn’t have a standalone website but is part of a portal called Vatican News. By clicking on “channel” (at the top right of the page), a list of over 20 different languages appears. Which of these are also broadcast in shortwave, and how is the current organization of the radio?

C.P.: Regarding the current situation, the reference is the web portal where more than 30 languages are indicated as part of the programs, with different distribution systems (shortwave, satellite, DAB block 12D, TV radio channel 733, and the internet).

From the shortwave schedule, it is clear that around twenty languages are used for this service, and the targeted areas are the African, Asian, and South American continents. It should be noted that for many years now, the shortwave service has been conducted under an antenna time-sharing arrangement between international broadcasting organizations, aimed at optimizing these resources in terms of effectiveness and energy savings.

Currently, Vatican Radio is an integral part of the Dicastery for Communication of the Holy See. (M.H.B. for FM-World)